Jimmy White`s 2 - Cueball (Playstation) - CD Only
Jonas Brothers - χωρίς κουτάκι (NINTENDO DS)
Jurassic Park: The Dna Factor (GAMEBOY ADVANCE) χωρίς κουτάκι
Karaoke Revolution Glee (Wii)
Kasumi Ninja (Jaguar) - χωρίς κουτάκι
Kasumi Ninja is a one-on-one fighting game developed by Hand Made Software and published by Atari for the Atari Jaguar and released in 1994.
περισσότερα...Killer Instinct (Super Nintendo)
Killer Instinct is a fighting game by Rare and Nintendo. Initially released in arcades in 1994, and claiming to use an "Ultra 64" hardware engine.
περισσότερα...Killer Instinct (Super Nintendo) χωρίς κουτάκι
Killer Instinct is a fighting game by Rare and Nintendo. Initially released in arcades in 1994, and claiming to use an "Ultra 64" hardware engine.
περισσότερα...Killzone 2 Platinum (PS3)
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 (PS3)
Kirby`s Adventure (NES)
Koala Brothers: Outback Adventures - χωρίς κουτάκι (GAME BOY ADVANCE)
Kung Fu (NES)
Land Before Time (Playstation) (CD Μονο)
The trouble begins when Littlefoot and his friends find a Sharptooth egg in The Great Valley and decide to return it to the Great Beyond. When an angry Sharptooth mother frightens and separates them, the friends must explore 20 levels to search for clues and solve puzzles that will lead them home.
περισσότερα...Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Prophecy (GAME BOY ADVANCE)
Lego knight`s Kingdom (GAMEBOY ADVANCE)
LEGO Star Wars ΙΙ: The Original Trilogy (GAMEBOY ADVANCE)
Με μια μοναδική χιουμοριστική προσέγγιση Το LEGO Star Wars ΙΙ, σας αφηγείται την σταυροφορία των επαναστατών ενάντια στην Αυτοκρατορία με απώτερο σκοπό την…αποσυναρμολόγησή της(!) και την επανοικοδόμηση του διαλυμένου γαλαξία.